fertility support
Fertility support can refer to a variety of things, including:
Fertility supplements are dietary supplements intended to help the body conceive. These supplements may contain ingredients like myo-inositol, vitamin B12, and folate. However, the FDA doesn’t regulate over-the-counter fertility products, and many lack scientific evidence to support their claims.
Fertility treatments: These can include medications, surgical procedures, or assisted conception. Medications can help with hormones and ovulation and may consist of clomifene, tamoxifen, metformin, or gonadotrophins. Surgical procedures may be minor, and assisted conception can include intrauterine insemination (IUI) or in vitro fertilization (IVF).
Support services: Some organizations offer support services for people dealing with infertility, such as classes, counseling, support groups, and complementary medicine.
Nutritional plans: Some plans are designed to meet dietary needs when trying to conceive, including egg quality.
Lifestyle changes: Some believe that natural ways to boost fertility include making specific dietary choices, such as eating antioxidants, omega-3s, fiber, protein, and dairy, and limiting refined carbs, caffeine, and alcohol. These lifestyle changes can play a significant role in fertility support, and understanding their impact can be a crucial part of your fertility journey.