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Introduction to Transfer Factor

Introduction to Transfer Factor

Introduction to Transfer Factor

Transfer factor contains a powerful collection of low-weight proteins. These proteins (called cytokines) are messenger molecules that allow communication among immune cells. Inter-cellular communication, in turn, lets the immune cells function as a team instead of individual players. Teamwork matters when mounting a counter-attack against an invader. Cytokines influence other cytokines. 

When the team’s orchestrated counter-attack is fast and robust, the invader is defeated before it multiplies and gains strength. Symptoms are either avoided or experienced at a mild level. 

Transfer Factor Ultra. Mushroom Extract. Proprietary Blend. Immune Enhancement through Cytokine Balance.

Transfer Factor Ultra

Transfer Factor Ultra ingredients are formulated at therapeutic levels for severe illness or as prevention for significant health challenges. As with any supplement, it is advisable to seek advice from your healthcare professional to ensure it suits you.

Hundreds of Published Articles

There are hundreds of published articles praising the benefits of transfer factor. Most include enthusiastic recommendations and acknowledge the solid safety record. Scientific articles measure a dramatic increase (4-5X) in “killer cells.” Antibodies generated by animal vaccines increased 3-5X with transfer factor administered.

Transfer factor is included in the U.S. Physician’s Desk Reference. Russian hospitals have used it successfully for decades as a front-line remedy. 

The same cytokines operate in animals and humans. 

Transfer factor is well-named because benefits are transferrable among species. Transfer factor from a cow, sheep, or goat works on a pig, horse, human, etc. The same cytokines operate in animals and humans. 

Cow Colostrum

The predominant raw material source for transfer factor is cow colostrum. Colostrum is the mother’s first milk and is the vehicle for transmitting immunity from mother to calf. Without colostrum cytokines, the calf would be defenseless against opportunistic invaders. 

Transfer factor is roughly a 1:1000 to 1:2000 concentrate of colostrum. Low-weight proteins are retained; the remaining colostrum (fat, liquid, whey, etc.) is discarded. Colostrum should not be substituted for transfer factor. Colostrum is 1000 to 2000 times too weak. 

Not all Transfer Factors are Equally Effective

Not all transfer factors are equally effective. Without source knowledge, equating two transfer factor products is risky. A cheap product will probably disappoint, so careful analysis of the transfer factor content is critical when selecting a formulation. 

Researchers at CortControl have boosted potency by pooling colostrum from various herds. Introduction to Transfer Factor: Colostrum contains hundreds of cytokines, and those present in it reflect the mother’s prior immune responses. Not all herds are subject to the same environmental challenges, so colostrum composition varies by herd. 

Superior Immune Support

The variety of pooled-herd cytokines is greater than the variety of single-herd cytokines. This translates into superior immune support. A greater variety of cytokines opens more pathways for immune functioning, and the immune cells team has more plays to execute.

Immune Enhancement Dietary Supplement. Glutrasol™ offers humans therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol offers therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals and has a rich vanilla flavor.