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Cytokine Balance Supports Immune Health

Cytokine Balance Supports Immune Health

Balanced Immune Proteins for Immune Health

Cytokine Balance Supports Immune Health.

Do you know people who feel tired and unmotivated? Do they catch colds, flu, and “bugs” easily? If so, their immune system is undoubtedly involved. Digging deeper, the balance of immune proteins is at the center.

Immune Proteins

Immune proteins are the workhorses of your immune system. They are indispensable. With balanced immune proteins, your immune system keeps you healthy. Invaders are defeated quickly and efficiently, and your energy level is high. No energy wasted on continuing low-level battles.

Active Life

Your activity list is large, and you have time for friends. Life, in general, feels good. There is a sense of well-being. Glutrasol-IE provides balanced immune proteins.

Immune Enhancement Dietary Supplement. Glutrasol™ offers humans therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol offers therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Balanced Immune Proteins

Balanced immune proteins promote wellness over sickness. For example, consider that you and a friend ate a meal at an unsanitary restaurant. You both ordered the same meal. Your friend got very sick, and it lasted a few days. In contrast, you experienced a little discomfort that passed quickly.

What happened? You had balanced immune proteins. Your friend did not.

Immune Response

Immune proteins communicate among cells and other proteins to orchestrate an overall immune response. That’s why balance is important. A full immune response involves multiple stages. Different proteins participate at different stages. Sometimes, those stages are opposite in effect, but each stage is appropriate at its time.

Unfriendly Bacteria

Here’s what happened at the restaurant: Unfriendly bacteria (from the food) attacked the intestinal wall.

The Four-Stage Response

  • The first response stage is inflammatory to destroy the bacteria. A first set of immune proteins accompanies this.
  • The second stage might involve removing the dead bacteria bodies. A second set of immune proteins operates.
  • A third stage might involve shutting down the inflammatory stage because the inflammatory work is done.
  • Stem cells arrive in a fourth stage guided by a fourth set of immune proteins to replace damaged tissue. With the four stages, the intestinal wall is eventually restored.

Cytokine Balance Supports Immune Health

Your friend had a deficit of immune proteins during one of the four stages. You had a balance. If your friend had taken Glutrasol beforehand, they would have had an easy time.

Learn more about CortControl products to support the immune system and health here.

Transfer Factor Ultra. Mushroom Extract. Proprietary Blend. Immune Enhancement through Cytokine Balance.

Transfer Factor Ultra

Transfer Factor Ultra ingredients are formulated at therapeutic levels for severe illness or as prevention for significant health challenges. As with any supplement, it is advisable to seek advice from your healthcare professional to ensure it suits you.


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Introduction to Transfer Factor

Introduction to Transfer Factor

Introduction to Transfer Factor

Transfer factor contains a powerful collection of low-weight proteins. These proteins (called cytokines) are messenger molecules that allow communication among immune cells. Inter-cellular communication, in turn, lets the immune cells function as a team instead of individual players. Teamwork matters when mounting a counter-attack against an invader. Cytokines influence other cytokines. 

When the team’s orchestrated counter-attack is fast and robust, the invader is defeated before it multiplies and gains strength. Symptoms are either avoided or experienced at a mild level. 

Transfer Factor Ultra. Mushroom Extract. Proprietary Blend. Immune Enhancement through Cytokine Balance.

Transfer Factor Ultra

Transfer Factor Ultra ingredients are formulated at therapeutic levels for severe illness or as prevention for significant health challenges. As with any supplement, it is advisable to seek advice from your healthcare professional to ensure it suits you.

Hundreds of Published Articles

There are hundreds of published articles praising the benefits of transfer factor. Most include enthusiastic recommendations and acknowledge the solid safety record. Scientific articles measure a dramatic increase (4-5X) in “killer cells.” Antibodies generated by animal vaccines increased 3-5X with transfer factor administered.

Transfer factor is included in the U.S. Physician’s Desk Reference. Russian hospitals have used it successfully for decades as a front-line remedy. 

The same cytokines operate in animals and humans. 

Transfer factor is well-named because benefits are transferrable among species. Transfer factor from a cow, sheep, or goat works on a pig, horse, human, etc. The same cytokines operate in animals and humans. 

Cow Colostrum

The predominant raw material source for transfer factor is cow colostrum. Colostrum is the mother’s first milk and is the vehicle for transmitting immunity from mother to calf. Without colostrum cytokines, the calf would be defenseless against opportunistic invaders. 

Transfer factor is roughly a 1:1000 to 1:2000 concentrate of colostrum. Low-weight proteins are retained; the remaining colostrum (fat, liquid, whey, etc.) is discarded. Colostrum should not be substituted for transfer factor. Colostrum is 1000 to 2000 times too weak. 

Not all Transfer Factors are Equally Effective

Not all transfer factors are equally effective. Without source knowledge, equating two transfer factor products is risky. A cheap product will probably disappoint, so careful analysis of the transfer factor content is critical when selecting a formulation. 

Researchers at CortControl have boosted potency by pooling colostrum from various herds. Introduction to Transfer Factor: Colostrum contains hundreds of cytokines, and those present in it reflect the mother’s prior immune responses. Not all herds are subject to the same environmental challenges, so colostrum composition varies by herd. 

Superior Immune Support

The variety of pooled-herd cytokines is greater than the variety of single-herd cytokines. This translates into superior immune support. A greater variety of cytokines opens more pathways for immune functioning, and the immune cells team has more plays to execute.

Immune Enhancement Dietary Supplement. Glutrasol™ offers humans therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol offers therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals and has a rich vanilla flavor.


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Improving Your Immune System

CortControl Immune Enhancement.

Would you like to feel better and get sick less often?

How about more energy to enjoy life? If this sounds interesting, let us introduce you to a valuable concept. A healthy immune system is your key to success and is readily available.

Improving Your Immune System

I know what you’re thinking—another product that claims miraculous benefits. But Glutrasol isn’t just another product with over-blown claims. It’s the real deal. If anything, we understate the benefits to you. Let us share some facts with you.

Immune Enhancement Dietary Supplement. Glutrasol™ offers humans therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol offers therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Probiotic Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol is a dietary supplement, not a drug. Nutritional supplements work by adding or replacing something that your body is missing. Glutrasol directly replaces missing immune proteins and stimulates your body to produce more. You may be wondering, “What are immune proteins?” Immune proteins are like messengers communicating with each other and other cells in your body. They behave much like hormones.

Natural Immune System

Glutrasol works with your body to improve your natural immune system. Your immune system only works when messengers maintain healthy communication because immune health is a team effort. Immune excellence needs a lot of messengers in your body and a lot of different types. You wouldn’t expect your favorite football or soccer team to take on an opponent with only half a group, would you? Of course not. It’s the same thing with your team of immune messengers.

Natural Immune Boost

Healthy people naturally have a healthy balance of messengers. But when your immune system gets attacked by sickness or stress, your healthy balance of messengers gets compromised. Glutrasol contains these healthy messengers and helps your body produce more. So, when you drink it, you are restoring the healthy balance in your body. You get a natural immune boost.

When should you take Glutrasol?

You can take it anytime you want. Because it helps restore the natural balance in your body, it won’t hurt you to take it every day. Daily consumption will continuously help and protect you. But, if another daily supplement isn’t part of your plan, Glutrasol doesn’t have to be taken daily.

Take Glutrasol for 7-10 days around stressful events—for example, exposure to new environments or vacations. Think of Glutrasol as something you put on the checklist of things you do before going on vacation (especially cruises or other crowded tours). Do you have a big project coming up at work? Have some Glutrasol. Running a 5K or a 10K race? Glutrasol comes to the rescue again. There’s no sense in missing the party after the race.

Improved Immune System

When you drink Glutrasol, you will have more energy and feel better within 7-10 days. Those gifts come from your improved immune system. That good feeling and extra energy develop because your body is enjoying better health than you usually experience. Improved health means your body no longer deals with under-the-radar problems, such as common colds, digestive issues, or stress. Improved immunity knocked them out.

But don’t take our word for it. See for yourself—enjoy more energy, feel better, and live fully.


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Restaurants, Fast Food, and Dietary Supplements

Good Nutrition. Fruits and vegetables on a table next to two nutritional smoothies.
Transfer Factor Ultra. Mushroom Extract. Proprietary Blend. Immune Enhancement through Cytokine Balance.

Transfer Factor Ultra

Transfer Factor Ultra ingredients are formulated at therapeutic levels for severe illness or as prevention for significant health challenges. As with any supplement, it is advisable to seek advice from your healthcare professional to ensure it suits you.

A balanced diet builds your immune system. The payoff is fewer days in bed, less agony, and better overall performance.

Immune Enhancement Dietary Supplement. Glutrasol™ offers humans therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol offers therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Feeling Good

Protect yourself with supplements your body needs. A balanced diet fuels your immune system, and feeling good is available to you.


Dietary Supplements

There’s no problem with occasionally eating hollow food. Sometimes, you have little choice due to a long work day. But if done too frequently, be careful. Your body will signal nutrient shortages by getting sick, feeling sluggish, or requiring professional intervention. So, if eating on the run is unavoidable, dietary supplements are valuable.

There’s more here than meets the eye. The immune system depends on small proteins that act as messengers. Without them, immunity is compromised.


Immune Support

Roughly 25% of supplement buyers say immune support is a crucial reason to purchase a supplement. The central point is that “road food” can leave you feeling depleted. Dietary supplements can directly compensate. You may spend a lot of time on the road if you are a salesperson or service person. That means restaurants night after night. Protect yourself with dietary supplements that your body needs.


Good Nutrition

Some health practices don’t show noticeable short-term results. They prove their benefits over long periods. Good nutrition is one of those practices. Feeling good is a pleasure, and it’s available to you.


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Do Patents Matter?

CortControl Patents

Glutrasol-IE Granted Patent

We invite you to experience the power of a robust immune system. Fewer colds, better athletic performance, and just plain feeling good.

Patents make your buying decision easier.

As a dietary supplement consumer, patents make your buying decision easier. An impartial judge (the Patent Office) has examined the invention and concluded that it is new and different. And, it won’t take you long to realize that, for immune-enhancement, different means better.

New and Novel

By definition, a patent is only granted when something is new and novel. You can apply for a patent if it isn’t new and novel. But you will be rejected during the patent examination. During the examination, an applicant must demonstrate that the composition or method of use –

(1) has not already been done or previously cited in the literature, and
(2) is not an obvious modification of existing technology.

Patent Examination

Do Patents Matter? Patent examination is an adversarial (but respectful) process, and the underlying reason is pretty rational. We all benefit when an inventor shares a new concept in detail, no longer keeping the details a secret. Everyone can use it through licenses or royalties. An exclusive position is granted for a limited time to reward the inventor for sharing. However, the examiner wants to refrain from granting a patent on a concept that already exists and fairly belongs to the public. Hence, the adversarial format.

How can you decide if a product is right for you? One excellent way is to ask about patents. If a patent backs a product, it’s different. It has to be!

CortControl Immune System Enhancement — Pure Ingredients for a Healthier You!

Ingredient purity and quality are the most essential elements of supplementation. We use only the highest quality ingredients that work for you. Our products never include harmful fillers, processing aids, GMOs, and other contaminants.

Immune Enhancement Dietary Supplement. Glutrasol™ offers humans therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol offers therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol provides an extra defense against the flu and other seasonal illnesses. It’s also excellent when traveling because it helps you avoid exposure to travel-related diseases. Gultrasol helps strengthen your overall immune health, especially if you are susceptible to disease or are elderly, not to mention if you spend time around many people, especially if they are sick.

Glutrasol offers therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals and has a rich vanilla flavor.

How does Glutrasol support immune health?

Stress, in all its forms, whether physical (due to viruses or other illnesses), chemical, or circumstantial, has direct (and particular) impacts on the immune system.

CortControl Immune System Enhancement

Glutrasol is based on a 40-year application of science-based treatments designed to address stress in all its forms.

When our bodies are sick or even when fighting viruses at sub-clinical levels (not detectable or producing effects), our immune systems prioritize fighting disease above other bodily functions.

This immunodeficiency (results from a failure or absence of elements of the immune system) can manifest in many ways as the body works to get well.

Daily environmental or emotional stresses can also consume immune system resources. Maximizing the natural immune support can minimize the impact that illness and stress demand, resulting in better overall health.

Cytokine Balance

What is Cytokine Balance? Cytokines are small proteins crucial in controlling the growth and activity of other immune system cells and blood cells. Within the immune system, there is a complex combination of small proteins called cytokines, with ratios needed to balance each other to maximize immune system health.

Cytokines, when released, signal the immune system to do its job.

Cytokines affect the development of all blood cells and other cells that help the body’s immune and inflammation responses.

Unlike multi-vitamins, generic immune system support, or stress-reduction products, Glutrasol IE directly addresses the cytokine balance needed for immunomodulation that enhances immune system health.

Strengthening Immune Health

Glutrasol supports immune health by enhancing your natural defenses, which are vital to wellness. Its three actives—Transfer Factor (TF), Beta-Glucans, and Lactic Acid-Generating bacteria—work to maximize that cytokine balance.

Glutrasol Benefits

  1. Supports immune system health to enhance your natural defenses 
  2. Extends immune protection for people in risky environments
  3. Increases and extends immune support for traditional health methods