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Strengthen Your Immune Defenses

Strengthen Your Immune Defenses. A robust immune system is essential for good health. When you have your health, you have everything. Visit us.

Strengthen Your Immune Defenses

When you have your health, you have everything,” writer Augusten Burroughs has noted. “When you do not have your health, nothing else matters at all.”

While you may or may not fully agree with this statement, few people dispute that illness or poor health can profoundly impact what would otherwise be a happy, productive, fulfilling life.

A robust immune system is essential for good health.

For people who may be at greater risk of disease because of diminished immune systems, we at CortControl offer a solution that has been proven effective and safe.

Glutrasol-IE supports a balance of cytokines, a specific kind of protein.

Immune Enhancement Dietary Supplement. Glutrasol™ offers humans therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol offers therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol-IE supports a balance of cytokines, a specific kind of protein.

The science here is straightforward. These cytokines can sometimes get out of balance for various reasons, ranging from stress or fatigue to a body’s natural chemical makeup. When this happens, the body’s immune system can weaken, and the prospect of succumbing to illnesses such as the flu, travel-related sickness, heart disease, Lyme disease, respiratory infections, diabetes, and even some forms of cancer can significantly increase.

Glutrasol-IE is a reliable solution.

Glutrasol-IE helps restore the cytokine balance and, in the process, strengthens the body’s immune defenses, offering you a shield against these potential health risks.

Unlike conventional nutraceuticals and other supplements

Glutrasol-IE is much more than a mixture of vitamins and herbal extracts. It’s a complex formulation of 18 innovative bio-actives that have been:

  • Clinically studied
  • Supported by dozens of published scientific papers from both business and academia
  • Tested for more than 30 years in scores of veterinarian-supervised animals.

Strengthen Your Immune Defenses

Glutrasol-IE is safe. It’s not a drug or made up of genetically modified ingredients. It’s a sustainable, naturally occurring, side-effects-free formulation. It’s not invasive, either. Available in powdered form, Glutrasol-IE is typically mixed with juice or another beverage and consumed in liquid form.

So, suppose you want to reduce the risk of certain diseases and increase your chances of good health by strengthening your body’s immune defenses. In that case, Glutrasol-IE may be what you need to continue—or return to—that happy, productive, fulfilling life.

Learn more about CortControl products to support the immune system and health here.


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Six Considerations for Immune-Building Supplements

Six Consideration for Immune Building Supplements.

If you take better care of your immune system, it will take better care of you!

Six Considerations for Immune-Building Supplements

With a robust immune system, you’ll get sick less often. A well-tuned immune system is your best wellness ally because potential problems are dealt with before they gain traction.

With a well-tuned immune system, if you do become ill, you’ll get better faster and experience fewer symptoms.

As a bonus, when your immune system works properly, it helps you feel healthier and more energetic because you aren’t dealing with an under-the-radar infection or inflammation.

How do you develop a robust immune system?

Like many people, you may want to turn to dietary supplements. Even a (presumably) good diet may not provide a complete nutrient profile. A supplement helps ensure your immune system gets the nutrition it needs to build immunity and stay healthy. As usual, the devil is in the details. Choosing the right supplement is essential. Multiple products and methods of building immunity can be confusing.

Six considerations before choosing immune-building supplements.

1. Herbs, Vitamins, or Specialty Supplements?

Let’s review how the three main categories of immune-enhancement supplements and compare them.

  • Herb mixtures,
  • Vitamin mixtures, or
  • Specialty formulations

Herbs and Vitamins

Immunity claims for vitamins and herbs are often based on historical belief, not science. They are minimally regulated. Potency and efficacy vary greatly, so it’s hard to trust what positive outcomes are genuinely possible, and repeatable.

Specialty Formulations

Unlike herbs and vitamins, specialty supplements are purposely formulated to enhance particular health outcomes. They are more likely to offer greater bioactive potency AND are developed based on solid scientific foundations.

2. How Many Immune-building Mechanisms are Included in a Specialty Supplement?

Specialty formulations are usually based on a mixture of ingredients selected because they are effective in peer-reviewed literature.

The mixture motivation is this: multiple ingredients serve you better. If each ingredient alone has been shown to build immunity, more ingredients should be extra effective. Each ingredient is included for a specific reason, and more immune-building mechanisms are in play within your body—the probability of synergy benefits you (the whole is greater than the sum of the parts).

Immune Enhancement Dietary Supplement. Glutrasol™ offers humans therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol offers therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals and has a rich vanilla flavor.

3. Consider Humane Animal or Human Testing

The scientific method of validating product efficacy is testing. Many large mammals, pigs in particular, are very similar to humans. So, consider humane animal testing in your evaluation.

The existence of either animal or human testing is a good sign. Look for related studies from manufacturers to support their claims for benefits.

4. Safety and Manufacturing

Long periods of safe use are particularly comforting. The FDA regulates both finished dietary supplement products and dietary ingredients.

The FDA regulates dietary supplements under different regulations than those covering “conventional” foods and drug products.

  • Manufacturers and distributors of dietary supplements and ingredients are prohibited from marketing adulterated or misbranded products. That means that these firms are responsible for evaluating the safety and labeling of their products before marketing to ensure that they meet all the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act requirements as amended by DSHEA and FDA regulations.
  • FDA has the authority to take action against any adulterated or misbranded dietary supplement product after it reaches the market.

The longer that products have been safely used, the more confidence you can have.

Transfer Factor Ultra. Mushroom Extract. Proprietary Blend. Immune Enhancement through Cytokine Balance.

Transfer Factor Ultra

Transfer Factor Ultra ingredients are formulated at therapeutic levels for severe illness or as prevention for significant health challenges. As with any supplement, it is advisable to seek advice from your healthcare professional to ensure it suits you.

5. Potency

When comparing products, look at the bio-active concentration on the label’s “supplement facts” grid. This lets you determine the comparative potency between products. Typically, those with higher potency will be more expensive and effective.

Health & Wellness

The form of the ingredient, dosage, and formulation of the entire product all influence whether or not a dietary supplement will be effective. You may find better value in the more expensive offering in the long run.

6. Supplement Effectiveness and Price

For your immune-building supplement, effectiveness is by far the prime consideration. Your immunity is too important to ignore. Your quality of life depends on it. Of course, price should be a factor, but it shouldn’t be the highest point on your priority list.

Comparison Shopping

Comparison shopping empowers consumers to make educated decisions rather than relying solely on marketing claims or impulse buying. It helps them avoid buyer’s remorse and ensures they get the most value for their money.

A low price usually signals a low ingredient cost but doesn’t speak to effectiveness. Typically, specialty formulations at higher price points perform best.

Learn more about CortControl products to support the immune system and health here.


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Balanced Cytokines Aid Prevention

Balanced Cytokines Aid Prevention

A Flu Epidemic

How balanced cytokines aid prevention.

Many people are concerned about the number of flu cases in the press today. They look more closely at alternatives to routine reliance on flu vaccines to combat potential exposure.  

Immune Response Solutions

Many vaccines rely on antibodies to provide resistance to a particular pathogen. Since a flu virus is always mutating, and antibodies are highly specific, they can often lose effectiveness by the time they are needed. The challenge exists when vaccines rely on specific antibodies to fight a particular pathogen that may have mutated beyond the bounds of that particular antibody’s efficacy. 

Immune response solutions offer an alternate approach to minimizing the effects of exposure to pathogens like flu viruses. Strong science indicates that cytokine balance is an effective way to promote immune health. 

Immune Enhancement Dietary Supplement. Glutrasol™ offers humans therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol offers therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals and has a rich vanilla flavor.

General Immune System Responses

To understand how this works, let’s look at the two general responses the immune system can take to combat pathogens:  fast and slow.

Fast Response

A fast response occurs when the body immediately recognizes the invader and has the tools to deal with it.

Slow Response

A slow response occurs when the body must learn to recognize an invader and develop antibodies. 

Flu Invader

For the flu, the fast response is particularly beneficial. The reason is simple: By neutralizing the flu invader early, the flu virus doesn’t have time to spread, duplicate, and overwhelm the body. The body’s defenses remain stronger than the invader’s attack, and immune cells outnumber the viruses. 

Fight Early

It’s best to fight early while the invading army is small. When fought early, an exposed person might report the flu coming on but doesn’t get it. Alternatively, he/she might report having the flu, but it’s a mild case.

Cytokines are drivers of the fast response

Balanced cytokines aid prevention. Cytokines are drivers of the fast response. They are small proteins (roughly 44 amino acids long) that are the workhorses of the immune system. They communicate among immune cells to orchestrate the body’s overall immune response. A balanced cytokine mixture is advantageous because all pathways to wellness are open. 

Transfer Factor Ultra. Mushroom Extract. Proprietary Blend. Immune Enhancement through Cytokine Balance.

Transfer Factor Ultra

Transfer Factor Ultra ingredients are formulated at therapeutic levels for severe illness or as prevention for significant health challenges. As with any supplement, it is advisable to seek advice from your healthcare professional to ensure it suits you.

There’s a second fast mechanism

Segments of a cytokine can approximate an antibody’s active surface, chemically tie up a flu virus, and remove that virus from the battlefield.

Slow antibody response

In contrast, the slow antibody response arrives too late. The body is already weakened and sick.

Flu viruses penetrate the cell walls

Furthermore, flu viruses penetrate cell walls, and antibodies don’t. The cell wall acts as a barrier, separating viruses and antibodies. Once fully developed, the flu can last a very long time. Cytokines are not as chemically specific as antibodies. Instead, they are useful against a range of invaders. For this reason, a reliable regimen of specialty supplements that contain balanced cytokines can be an important cornerstone to maintaining optimal immune system health. 


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Cytokine Balance Supports Immune Health

Cytokine Balance Supports Immune Health

Balanced Immune Proteins for Immune Health

Cytokine Balance Supports Immune Health.

Do you know people who feel tired and unmotivated? Do they catch colds, flu, and “bugs” easily? If so, their immune system is undoubtedly involved. Digging deeper, the balance of immune proteins is at the center.

Immune Proteins

Immune proteins are the workhorses of your immune system. They are indispensable. With balanced immune proteins, your immune system keeps you healthy. Invaders are defeated quickly and efficiently, and your energy level is high. No energy wasted on continuing low-level battles.

Active Life

Your activity list is large, and you have time for friends. Life, in general, feels good. There is a sense of well-being. Glutrasol-IE provides balanced immune proteins.

Immune Enhancement Dietary Supplement. Glutrasol™ offers humans therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol offers therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Balanced Immune Proteins

Balanced immune proteins promote wellness over sickness. For example, consider that you and a friend ate a meal at an unsanitary restaurant. You both ordered the same meal. Your friend got very sick, and it lasted a few days. In contrast, you experienced a little discomfort that passed quickly.

What happened? You had balanced immune proteins. Your friend did not.

Immune Response

Immune proteins communicate among cells and other proteins to orchestrate an overall immune response. That’s why balance is important. A full immune response involves multiple stages. Different proteins participate at different stages. Sometimes, those stages are opposite in effect, but each stage is appropriate at its time.

Unfriendly Bacteria

Here’s what happened at the restaurant: Unfriendly bacteria (from the food) attacked the intestinal wall.

The Four-Stage Response

  • The first response stage is inflammatory to destroy the bacteria. A first set of immune proteins accompanies this.
  • The second stage might involve removing the dead bacteria bodies. A second set of immune proteins operates.
  • A third stage might involve shutting down the inflammatory stage because the inflammatory work is done.
  • Stem cells arrive in a fourth stage guided by a fourth set of immune proteins to replace damaged tissue. With the four stages, the intestinal wall is eventually restored.

Cytokine Balance Supports Immune Health

Your friend had a deficit of immune proteins during one of the four stages. You had a balance. If your friend had taken Glutrasol beforehand, they would have had an easy time.

Learn more about CortControl products to support the immune system and health here.

Transfer Factor Ultra. Mushroom Extract. Proprietary Blend. Immune Enhancement through Cytokine Balance.

Transfer Factor Ultra

Transfer Factor Ultra ingredients are formulated at therapeutic levels for severe illness or as prevention for significant health challenges. As with any supplement, it is advisable to seek advice from your healthcare professional to ensure it suits you.


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Introduction to Transfer Factor

Introduction to Transfer Factor

Introduction to Transfer Factor

Transfer factor contains a powerful collection of low-weight proteins. These proteins (called cytokines) are messenger molecules that allow communication among immune cells. Inter-cellular communication, in turn, lets the immune cells function as a team instead of individual players. Teamwork matters when mounting a counter-attack against an invader. Cytokines influence other cytokines. 

When the team’s orchestrated counter-attack is fast and robust, the invader is defeated before it multiplies and gains strength. Symptoms are either avoided or experienced at a mild level. 

Transfer Factor Ultra. Mushroom Extract. Proprietary Blend. Immune Enhancement through Cytokine Balance.

Transfer Factor Ultra

Transfer Factor Ultra ingredients are formulated at therapeutic levels for severe illness or as prevention for significant health challenges. As with any supplement, it is advisable to seek advice from your healthcare professional to ensure it suits you.

Hundreds of Published Articles

There are hundreds of published articles praising the benefits of transfer factor. Most include enthusiastic recommendations and acknowledge the solid safety record. Scientific articles measure a dramatic increase (4-5X) in “killer cells.” Antibodies generated by animal vaccines increased 3-5X with transfer factor administered.

Transfer factor is included in the U.S. Physician’s Desk Reference. Russian hospitals have used it successfully for decades as a front-line remedy. 

The same cytokines operate in animals and humans. 

Transfer factor is well-named because benefits are transferrable among species. Transfer factor from a cow, sheep, or goat works on a pig, horse, human, etc. The same cytokines operate in animals and humans. 

Cow Colostrum

The predominant raw material source for transfer factor is cow colostrum. Colostrum is the mother’s first milk and is the vehicle for transmitting immunity from mother to calf. Without colostrum cytokines, the calf would be defenseless against opportunistic invaders. 

Transfer factor is roughly a 1:1000 to 1:2000 concentrate of colostrum. Low-weight proteins are retained; the remaining colostrum (fat, liquid, whey, etc.) is discarded. Colostrum should not be substituted for transfer factor. Colostrum is 1000 to 2000 times too weak. 

Not all Transfer Factors are Equally Effective

Not all transfer factors are equally effective. Without source knowledge, equating two transfer factor products is risky. A cheap product will probably disappoint, so careful analysis of the transfer factor content is critical when selecting a formulation. 

Researchers at CortControl have boosted potency by pooling colostrum from various herds. Introduction to Transfer Factor: Colostrum contains hundreds of cytokines, and those present in it reflect the mother’s prior immune responses. Not all herds are subject to the same environmental challenges, so colostrum composition varies by herd. 

Superior Immune Support

The variety of pooled-herd cytokines is greater than the variety of single-herd cytokines. This translates into superior immune support. A greater variety of cytokines opens more pathways for immune functioning, and the immune cells team has more plays to execute.

Immune Enhancement Dietary Supplement. Glutrasol™ offers humans therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals, and has a rich vanilla flavor.

Glutrasol Dietary Supplement

Glutrasol offers therapeutic levels of transfer factors, glucans, prebiotics and probiotics, vitamins, and minerals and has a rich vanilla flavor.